
Properties - This page presents the Properties panel of Substance 3D Designer, its layout and the different rollouts and categories and parameters you can find within.The Library - This page presents the Library panel of Substance 3D Designer, its layout as well as the tools it offers for searching and filtering content.The graph view - This page presents the Graph view of Substance 3D Designer.

substance3d substance3d

This dock lets you manage packages and their resources. The Explorer window - This page describes the Explorer dock in Adobe Substance 3D Designer.Preferences window - This page presents the Preferences window and all its settings.The main toolbar - This page describes the Main toolbar and menu of Adobe Substance 3D Designer, which appear at the top left of the main window.


  • Customizing your workspace - This page presents the ways of arranging the panels in Adobe Substance 3D Designer's user interface, and leveraging their features to enhance your workflows.
  • It is here to help you start working with the software and access most useful links.
  • Home screen - The Home screen welcomes you when you launch Substance 3D Designer.

  • Substance3d